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Day of Love

It’s the day of love, where we receive a special something from loved ones. Chocolates, cards, and flowers, Oh my! So why am I not feeling it this year? There were gifts exchanged and dinner plans made… so why am I not excited. Oh…I know, school! Grad school is no joke. Even with just a few weeks into the semester, my anxiety and stress levels are off the charts. These “oh so wonderful” snow days pushed for class cancelations and has significantly reduced my chances in completing my practicum hours. I just want all this snow to go away so clients don’t cancel. Even a paper that is all about me is giving me a hard time. It’s funny how when I was little all I wanted for Christmas was snow. I just imagined how fun it would be to stay home from school and built a snowman, have hot chocolate, and watch TV. Now, I am just tired of it all. Don’t get me wrong, it is still beautiful to look at I just really dislike dealing with it. Oh well, there is not much I can do about it now, just have to push through. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!


Happy Valentine's Day,